Let Linda capture you or your child’s aura in timeless and beautiful portraits which will add color and warmth to your home or office. Mason’s vivid use of color, incorporation of fashion, and, most of all, her ability to capture and emphasize individual particularities and beauty mark her artistic style as uniquely her own.
Mixed Media Freestyle
You are body painted with thick wet brush strokes and photos are taken throughout the initial session at various stages of the painting. The ultimate goal through this physical transformation is to bring out each subject’s individuality, personal strengths and beauty with color. These images are applied to wood or canvas then after the layers of paper and paint are applied to the wood a resin finish is applied seamlessly combining the varying techniques to achieve a textural complexity. They can be done in any size but the most common is 18″x24″ on wood.
Classic Children’s Portraits
Colorful and expressive, Linda’s various depictions of children exude a vibrant playfulness, celebrating the innocence of youth. At the same time, capturing the essence of your child. Mason possesses a sensitivity to the distinctive qualities of each child, focusing as much attention on the interior nature as the exterior appearance.
In order to get a sense of each child’s individual character, Mason’s process involves a half hour session with your child and a family member, taking photographs to work from later.
Photo Portraits
You are body painted with thick wet brush strokes and photos are taken throughout the initial session at various stages of the painting. The ultimate goal through this physical transformation is to bring out each subject’s individuality, personal strengths and beauty with color. The photos are edited and a print made of the best image.
Male Portraits
The experience of thick wet brush strokes being aplied to the moving body during the photo session allows the subject freedom and the photographic process is able to capture more spontaneous images to be used as inspiration for the acrylic on canvas painting. The portrait could be any size and the photos can also be done without body paint.
Female Portraits
An acrylic on Canvas portrait can capture a more classic look with a photo session minus the large strokes applied to the body. This finished portrait can then have larger strokes added to the painting for a freer feel, but why deprive yourself of the wonderful experience of having your body painted with large brush strokes and photos taken during application.